If you would prefer not to receive information from IDC Technologies, whether it be by email or direct mail, please see the options below to 'unsubscribe' from our distribution list.


Reply to the email you receive with ‘unsubscribe me’ in the subject line.

Please remember to:

Include all alias email addresses, as our system will not recognize an alias or common email address. For example: Your default email address may be This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. but you may also have This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Include any ex employee’s email addresses that may be forwarded to you.

While we do take every effort to locate you in our database, giving us these details will speed up the process considerably.


Direct Mail (Letters and Brochures):

The quickest way to update your details or to remove yourself from our mailing list is by faxing or emailing the letter back to us with your request. The Ref ID (number/letter) above your name identifies you to us and enables quick removal.

The more details you give us, the better. For example, for an address change, we would need the name of the addressee, as your company name may be slightly different in our database.

Ref ID

If sending your request via email, please remember to give us your Ref ID. An IDC Technologies reference number looks like this:

Ref: IDC

120847     < the number will be unique to you, and will not change.

Sometimes, there will be other numbers above or below this. These are post office routing numbers and are not useful to us.

Please see the example here

Rented Lists

Sometimes, the Ref Id will just be a few letters like this:

Ref: TO     Or     Ref: CPECP

This means that we do not have access to your details, and a third party that you have given permission to has mailed our information to you on our behalf. The Ref ID is most important here as it identifies who the list owner is, so that we can forward your request to them.

 In these cases, it may take a few weeks to complete, this is because different lists update at different times and frequencies. Letters quoted are examples only, yours may be different.

See an example here



For more Information

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any additional questions, or forward your changes to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Latest EIT News

07 February 2025